Name: Valkyrie Age: 10 (from 3000 AD) Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 1.5 tons Eyes: White Hair: Steel Dredltes

Race: Kilolian (living robot created by the Technegrites)

Disposition: Very sensitive, romantic and peaceful.

Ethics: Principled

Powers: A living robot who fled ROBO KING and CYBER QUEEN'S court of Kilolia, using jet boosters. She can use Jet Boosters, exist without air, food and water. Val can lift 30 tons, has a bullet and laser-proof hull (flesh), and can travel at jet speeds.

Limitations: Valkyrie was trained to pick up the wounded of the Kilolian empire, and not interfere or participate with combat. Thus, she now travels though time to warn heroes without actually helping them in thier battles.

Weapons: Wings, sword, tire-shield, face-shield, mind commanded jet engines.

Job/Hobby: Chooser of the Slain (by protecting the favored) medic of SAMSARA, outside MOKSA.

Group: Xeno-Men

Headquarters: The city MOKSA, KILOLIA