Name: Bryan Jerome Bondure

Age: 18

Height: 5' 10"

Weight: 180 lbs.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black

Race: African-American

Disposition: Idealistic thinker, insecure, sarcastic comedian, fair to all, empathetic.

Powers: B.B. GUN has the super-human ability to generate concussive cosmic energy in the form of spheres of light which he can launch from his straight punches and side kicks. B.B. GUN can also form an inpenetrable force field around himself, when he balls up into fetal or rolling positions. These blasts are powerful enough to blow up or through iron, steel, and any alloy. These blasts give him the ability to fight invulnerable and 100 ton strength robots, super-humans, and demi-gods. B.B.'s veins are no longer filled with blood; instead his heart pumps cosmic energy. His cosmic energy can disintegrate bullets and any other weapon or object.

Ethics: Scrupulous

Limitations: Bullets and lasers can penetrate his skin, but he can only be killed by decapitation or destruction of his head.

Weapons: Bullet and laser-proof costume. His B insignia on his chest convert into hand-cuffs and the 2 acts as their key. He uses large steel throwing b.b. to trip running chasers and to knock them out. Rear utility pockets carry these, as well as smoke bombs and a bungee-rope attached to a rear anti-plummet rocket.

Job: Student at Stroman-Johnson University.

Group: Graphic Design Dept., SJU.

Headquarters: Dorm - Schumacher Hall

Family: Whitney Kahn (cousin), Nina Bondure (sister), Roderick Phase (cousin), Prof. Jerome Bondure (father).

Slang: She-Ra= girl over 5'10", Smurph!=Used in place of any profanity or obscene word, Phat!=Cool!, A grip=A large amount.